HBCD Study OBS Setup

Camera 1:

Camera 2:


iPad 1:

iPad 2:


  1. Turn on Mevo camera and open Mevo app on the iPad. Verify all devices are on kkisa.


  1. In the App, click the plus sign and then “IP” in the bottom right corner.  Enter the IP address to connect the camera to the app.


  1. Once a camera is connected to the App, the interface on the Mevo App will show the camera viewfinder. The top right corner will always show the “current view” (so if you are zoomed in, that is what will show here), whereas the full pane will show the entire view.


  1. Enable the “NDI mode” so the App can stream to OBS. To do this:

a. Select the ellipses icon on the bottom (“…”), which will pop up a toolbar.

b. Select the gear icon from the toolbar (this opens “Settings”).

c. In “Settings,” scroll down and turn on “NDI Mode” (when this is on, the red button at the bottom left of the camera-view screen will say “NDI.”).

d. NDI must be enabled for OBS to “receive” the camera stream.

       4.   Repeat these steps to connect your second camera.

Setup NDI Access Manager

  1. On the laptop, launch NDI Tools, Access Manager.
  2. Click plus sign to add Camera IP address and name.



Connect the Mevo Cameras with OBS

Once you have connected the Mevo Cameras with the App, it is time to connect them to OBS. To do this:

1. Open OBS Studio on your laptop/computer

2. Under “Source” click the “+” button. This should pop up a list of possible sources for the camera stream.

3. Select “NDI Source” 

4. Once you select “NDI Source” a window will pop up to add your NDI Source.

5. It is a good idea to name your NDI source in a way that will be intuitive to you and clearly indicates which camera you have added. (Note that we use the letters/numbers on the back of each camera to identify ours: for example, we call our “Mevo-28TPW camera”, “TPW.”)

6. Hit “Ok”. A new interface will pop up (see below).

1. Use the drop-down menu for “Source name” to select your camera. It should show up as a “Mevo” camera, with its electronic signature. For example, our “TPW” camera shows up as “Mevo-28TPW (Mevo-28TPW).

2. After you select your camera, select “Allow hardware acceleration.” This should always be checked.

3. Click “OK”

You should now be connected and able to control both the camera and OBS.