1. Open the FileBrowser App

2. Tap on the “+” near the top left-hand corner of the screen

3. Select “Manual Setup”

4. Most default settings are OK, change the following settings:

                “Address” -- \\hnas1-evs1

                “Username” – Select Edit and use the Student login name (i.e. fairclass)

                “Password” – Select Edit and use the Student login password (i.e. start)

                “Display Name” – Create the name based on school location (i.e. fmt_e-learning)

                “Advanced Settings” – Change “Auto List Shares” to OFF

5. Press “Save” in the top right-hand corner of the screen

6. On the left-hand side of the screen, under “Remote,” select your newly create E-Learning Drive

7. In the upper right-hand side of the screen, press “Add Share”

8. Add the appropriate share name

                FMT:      fmt_e-learning

                GSP:       e-learningHS

                MCC:     mcs-e-learning

9. Press “Add”

10. The drive will appear on the left-hand side of the screen under “remote,” tap on the drive and you will be connected to the e-learning drive. If you get an error message, make sure that the address is entered in correctly and that your username and password is correct.