Important Note

Any time you are checking for availability you must have an active Hyperspace session. Horizon will not allow pass-through to take place until the application is launched. It will appear that the device is disconnected or will not show in the list of available USB devices

Epic Wired E-signature Pads

Vendor – Topaz 

Model - Topaz T-S460-BSB-R USB Electronic Signature Capture Pad (Non-Backlit)

The software package for the e-sig pad devices installs the driver and configures the device to map to com port 9 on the client side. 


The Horizon serial redirection service identifies, maps, and auto-connects the client port 9 to the host com port 9 to pass the device to Hyperspace. 




Serial Redirection: E-sig Pad Com Port Issues



  1. Check to see if the Horizon serial redirection agent is running on the desktop and validate the connection.
  2. Next check that the proper software and drivers are installed. 
    1. The Topaz T-S460-BSB-R e-sig pads are the only wired e-signature device we allow.
    2.  These devices require a driver and software package called: “Topaz_SigToolESI_&_SigPlus”
    3. . Make sure that this is installed under programs and features. If not, it is located in V:\Vendor_Files\Epic Peripherals.


To validate that the Horizon Com Redirection agent is running 

  1. click on the arrow in the system tray and identify the icon of a serial plug. 
  2. If this is not available, the Epic team will have to troubleshoot the Agent settings on their Horizon System. 
  3. If it is available but flapping (appearing and disappearing). Either the e-sig pad device is in use by the local OS or the device is not powered or plugged in properly.

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  1. If the Com Port icon is available and solid, check to make sure that “com9 mapped to com9” is checked by right clicking the icon and clicking connect. It should, however, auto connect.


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NOTE: ****Any time you are checking for availability you must have a active Hyperspace session. Horizon will not allow pass through to take place until the application is launched. It will appear that the device is disconnected or will not show in the list of available USB devices****


  1. Once connected it will look like the screen capture below.

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The below photo is a screen capture of the available settings. If connected and mapping properly the selections will be grayed out as seen here.


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  1. The next step is to identify whether or not the e-sig pad device itself is being identified as a serial device and not a USB type device. You can find this information in Device Manager and navigating to Ports (COM & LPT). Expand the menu and validate that USB Serial Port (COM9) is present. (See capture below)

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****If all of these settings have been validated the next item to check is whether or not the device is actually functioning outside of Hyperspace by installing the topaz demo application on the local host and doing a test by starting a signature signing process. The same can be tested by launching the Topaz demo hosted in the Epic hosted Horizon Apps portal on the client once connected to the connection server. You may need to request app provisioning from Epic administrators for the user account for which you are testing*****




Quick tips – Common Physical issues and troublshooting Tips


When working- 


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“Need one more screenshot for working”


Error -


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Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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A picture containing graphical user interface

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